Many great reviews already for ¨The Wave¨
From Amusio
¨When Marcus Davidson and Roger Huckle pulverize the boundaries between Wild West Saloon and Middle Eastern Divan, the wave announced in the album title could break. Out of sheer good humor. And the pleasure of your own stamina. . . Not exactly simple. But still nice.¨…/kontinuitaet-faktor-ohne-groesse/2/
from Sonic Seducer, ¨Frog Chorus¨ is a secret highpoint!
Great review of ¨The Wave¨ by Musik an sich, 19 out of 20, contender for album of the year!
. . . it’s carried by the polished composition, performance and production that give it an undeniable richness, vibrancy and class. It also has potential as a stepping stone for listeners of more traditional music who are intrigued by something that’s just a shade more experimental without being challenging.